Engineering Mentorship Programs

The Mentor Collective program enhances the student experience by linking them one-on-one with an alumni or peer mentor. Students are paired with someone invested in their success — a person ready to listen, inspire, help navigate challenges and recognize opportunities.

Students will learn what to expect in school, how to approach challenges, gain career advice and valuable insights, while mentors will build their networks and develop skills to become better professionals and leaders. Being a mentor or mentee can be an impactful experience now more than ever, and provide invaluable support to other students and yourself.

With two distinct programs available (one for incoming first-year students mentored by peers early in their programs, and the second for upper-class students mentored by alumni), students can find support whether navigating their first steps at the university or their first steps of their career preparation.

How It Works

Students will be matched with an alumni or peer mentor based on common interests, background, academics and professional aspirations. To get started, students and mentors register and complete an online survey to assess personality and experience.

What do mentors and mentees discuss?

  • How will my major impact my professional options?
  • How do I balance the demands of school, responsibilities, and socializing?
  • How can I set myself up for academic, social, and career success?
  • How do I make connections with peers and professional contacts?

First-Year Engineering Mentorship

The First-Year Engineering Mentoring program is designed to provide incoming first-year students mentors from the Tagliatela College of Engineering who have completed their first or second year of study. This is a peer-mentoring program that will help students get acclimated to campus life and discover campus resources.

Mentor quote:
“[I’m volunteering] to meet new people and hopefully help make others transition to college as easy as possible.”
- Alexia Litro, Computer Science

Mentee quote:
"[My mentor has helped me with] answering a few questions of mine going into school and balancing work."
- Jared Gabriele

Career Mentorship

The Career Mentorship Program, sponsored by Lockheed Martin Corporation, is designed to provide upper-class students in the Tagliatela College of Engineering an industry mentor in their major or desired career segment. Students can ask these industry mentors, many of whom are alumni, questions about the internship process or the transition from college to career.

To sign up for any of our mentoring programs as a mentor or mentee, please reach out to Associate Dean Stephanie Gillespie at


The mentorship programs in the Tagliatela College of Engineering at the University of New Haven are sponsored by Lockheed Martin Corporation.